On Thursday, February 2, 2017, Nottingham Country Garden Club (NCGC) will feature Kathy Adams
Clark as a guest speaker. Kathy will speak on the topic of “Attracting Birds and Butterflies to Your
Backyard.” Kathy is also a professional nature photographer and will be selling her most recent
Meet and greet time begins at 9:30 a.m. and the program begins at 10:00 a.m., followed by the NCGC
meeting. Please join us at the Municipal Utility Building #81 at 805 Hidden Canyon Drive, Katy, TX
77450. For more information see our website: www.nottinghamgardenclub.org.
We welcome all people interested in gardening and gardening related topics. We serve the West
Houston and Katy areas. You do not have to live in Nottingham Country to belong to our group!
NCGC is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Houston Federation of Garden Clubs, the Texas
Garden Clubs, and the National Garden Clubs. The purpose of the club is to promote beautification of
our community, support local and national educational and civic organizations and educate the
community about our environment. Donations from the NCGC are funded by various projects
throughout the year.
Soil and Fertilizers